Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kennedy's just Ridiculous

Hey Kerry, What's that nasty Mark Kennedy up to? According to Amy Klobuchar, his attacks against her are ridiculous and she tells us that in her campaign ad "Ridiculous." The backdrop of the ad is a courtroom. Amy appeals directly to the voter's common sense by stating that, "When somebody fabricated evidence, the judge can throw it out. That what I hope you'll do with the charges Mark Kennedy has fabricated against me. Rationing lipitor for seniors. That's ridiculous!" She then goes on to say that her mother takes lipitor as the camera cuts to a photo of Amy with her mother and her son. Her appeal is to the middle class and elderly, who she feels Kennedy has left behind. She is trying to take the edge off the Kennedy ad, which is also how she gets attention for the ad. It is not just any ad, it answers an opponents charge. She also appeals to the middle class by her clothing, hair style, and glasses. She is professional but careful to not be too fancy. She is folksy but smart. As the election approaches and the ads get nastier and nastier, I appreciate this style of ad that speaks directly to issues.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

I liked the details you included. I feel like Amy gave a good response to Mark Kennedy's negative ad - one on which he tries to hide the negativity by using elderly people and cheery music. I enjoyed your take on her clothing and trying to reach the middle class. It appears as though both her and Mark are really trying to appeal to the elderly population.